
Квантовое моделирование новых функциональных материалов для перспективной наноэлектроники

  • Руководитель: Иорш Иван Владимирович


  1. 45. Shahnazaryan V.A., Saroka V., Shelykh I.A.,  Barnes W., Portnoi M.E. Strong Light-Matter Coupling in Carbon Nanotubes as a Route to Exciton Brightening // ACS Photonics - 2019, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 904-914 [IF: 6.756, SJR: 2.089]
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  2. 44. Shubnic A.A., Polozkov R.G., Shelykh I.A., Iorsh I.V. High refractive index and extreme biaxial optical anisotropy of rhenium diselenide for applications in all-dielectric nanophotonics // Nanophotonics - 2020, Vol. 9, No. 16, pp. 4737-4742 [IF: 4.492, SJR: 1.999]
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  3. 43. Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V., Shelykh I.A. Periodic array of quantum rings strongly coupled to circularly polarized light as a topological insulator // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 035416 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  4. 42. Morina S., Dini K., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A. Optical Trapping of Electrons in Graphene // ACS Photonics - 2018, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1171-1175 [IF: 6.756, SJR: 2.089]
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  5. 41. Whittaker C.E., Cancellieri E., Walker P.M., Gulevich D.R., Schomerus H., Vaitiekus D., Royall B., Whittaker D.M., Clarke E., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A., Skolnik M., Krizhanovskii D.N. Exciton Polaritons in a Two-Dimensional Lieb Lattice with Spin-Orbit Coupling // Physical Review Letters - 2018, Vol. 120, No. 3, pp. 097401 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  6. 40. Kibis O.V., Dini K., Iorsh I.V., Dragunov V.P., Shelykh I.A. Electromagnetic Dressing of Graphene // Journal of Structural Chemistry - 2018, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 867-869 [IF: 0.472]
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  7. 39. Shapochkin P.Y., Lozhkin M.S., Solovev I.A., Lozhkina O.A., Efimov Y.P., Eliseev S.A., Lovcjus V.A., Kozlov G.G., Pervishko A.A., Krizhanovskii D.N., Walker P.M., Shelykh I.A., Skolnick M.S., Kapitonov Y.V. Polarization-resolved strong light-matter coupling in planar GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides // Optics Letters - 2018, Vol. 43, No. 18, pp. 4526-4529 [IF: 3.416, SJR: 1.04]
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  8. 38. Kozin V.K., Shelykh I.A., Nalitov A.V., Iorsh I.V. Topological metamaterials based on polariton rings // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 98, No. 12, pp. 125115 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  9. 37. Zezyulin D.A., Gulevich D.R., Skryabin D.V., Shelykh I.A. Chiral solitons in spinor polariton rings // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 16, pp. 161302 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  10. 36. Alfimov G.L., Barashenkov I., Fedotov A., Smirnov V., Zezyulin D. Global search for localised modes in scalar and vector nonlinear Schrodinger-type equations // Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena - 2019, Vol. 397, pp. 39-53 [IF: 1.514, SJR: 1.074]
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  11. 35. Zezyulin D.A., Kartashov Y.V. Transverse instability of dark solitons in spin-orbit coupled polariton condensates // Optics Letters - 2018, Vol. 43, No. 19, pp. 4623-4626 [IF: 3.416, SJR: 1.04]
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  12. 34. Zezyulin D.A., Kartashov Y.V. Transverse instability of dark solitons in spin-orbit coupled polariton condensates // Optics Letters - 2018, Vol. 43, No. 19, pp. 4623-4626 [IF: 3.416, SJR: 1.04]
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  13. 33. Andreev S.V., Nalitov A.V. Hanle model of a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate of excitons in semiconductor quantum wells // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 16, pp. 165139 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  14. 32. Whittaker C.E., Cancellieri E., Walker P.M., Gulevich D.R., Schomerus H., Vaitiekus D., Royall B., Whittaker D.M., Clarke E., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A., Skolnik M., Krizhanovskii D.N. Exciton Polaritons in a Two-Dimensional Lieb Lattice with Spin-Orbit Coupling // Physical Review Letters - 2018, Vol. 120, No. 3, pp. 097401 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  15. 31. Morina S., Dini K., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A. Optical Trapping of Electrons in Graphene // ACS Photonics - 2018, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1171-1175 [IF: 6.756, SJR: 2.089]
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  16. 30. Foster A., Hallett D., Iorsh I.V., Sheldon S.,  Godsland M., Royall B., Clarke E., Shelykh I.A., Fox A., Skolnick M.S., Itskevich I., Wilson L. Tunable Photon Statistics Exploiting the Fano Effect in a Waveguide // Physical Review Letters - 2019, Vol. 122, No. 17, pp. 173603 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  17. 29. Dolinina D.A., Shalin A.S., Yulin A.V. Dynamics of particles trapped by dissipative domain walls // JETP Letters - 2020, Vol. 112, No. 2, pp. 71-76 [IF: 1.235, SJR: 0.327]
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  18. 28. Whittaker C., Dowling Т., Nalitov A.V., Yulin A.V., Royall, B., Clarke E., Skolnick M.S., Shelykh I.A., Krizhanovskii D.N. Optical analogue of Dresselhaus spin–orbit interaction in photonic graphene // Nature Photonics - 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 193-196 [IF: 37.852, SJR: 11.249]
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  19. 27. Skopelitis P., Cherotchenko E.D., Kavokin A.V., Posazhennikova A. Interplay of Phonon and Exciton-Mediated Superconductivity in Hybrid Semiconductor-Superconductor Structures // Physical Review Letters - 2018, Vol. 120, No. 10, pp. 107001 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  20. 26. Whittaker C.E., Cancellieri E., Walker P.M., Gulevich D.R., Schomerus H., Vaitiekus D., Royall B., Whittaker D.M., Clarke E., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A., Skolnik M., Krizhanovskii D.N. Exciton Polaritons in a Two-Dimensional Lieb Lattice with Spin-Orbit Coupling // Physical Review Letters - 2018, Vol. 120, No. 3, pp. 097401 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  21. 25. Rodriguez L., Walker P., Sigurdsson H., Royall B., Farrer I., Ritchie D., Yulin A.V., Shelykh I.A., Skolnick M.S., Krizhanovskii D.N. Amplification of nonlinear polariton pulses in waveguides // Optics express - 2019, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 10692-10704 [IF: 3.307, SJR: 0.998]
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  22. 24. Ricco L.S., Marques Y., Sanches J., Shelykh I.A., Seridonio A.C. Interaction induced hybridization of Majorana zero modes in a coupled quantum-dot-superconducting-nanowire hybrid system // Physical Review B - 2020, Vol. 102, No. 16, pp. 165104 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  23. 23. Foster A., Hallett D., Iorsh I.V., Sheldon S.,  Godsland M., Royall B., Clarke E., Shelykh I.A., Fox A., Skolnick M.S., Itskevich I., Wilson L. Tunable Photon Statistics Exploiting the Fano Effect in a Waveguide // Physical Review Letters - 2019, Vol. 122, No. 17, pp. 173603 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  24. 22. Zezyulin D.A., Gulevich D.R., Skryabin D.V., Shelykh I.A. Chiral solitons in spinor polariton rings // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 16, pp. 161302 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  25. 21. Kibis O.V., Dini K., Iorsh I.V., Dragunov V.P., Shelykh I.A. Electromagnetic Dressing of Graphene // Journal of Structural Chemistry - 2018, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 867-869 [IF: 0.472]
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  26. 20. Liashenko T.G., Cherotchenko E.D., Pushkarev A.P., Pakstas V., Naujokaitis A., Khubezhov S.A., Polozkov R.G., Agapev K.B., Zakhidov A.A., Shelykh I.A., Makarov S.V. Electronic structure of CsPbBr3-xClx perovskites: synthesis, experimental characterization, and DFT simulations // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2019, Vol. 21, No. 35, pp. 18930-18938 [IF: 4.123, SJR: 0.721]
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  27. 19. Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V., Shelykh I.A. Quantum ring with the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in the regime of strong light-matter coupling // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 15, pp. 155434 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  28. 18. Kartashov Y., Zezyulin D.A. Stable Multiring and Rotating Solitons in Two-Dimensional Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates with a Radially Periodic // Physical Review Letters - 2019, Vol. 122, No. 12, pp. 123201 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  29. 17. Nalitov A.V., Sigurdsson H., Morina S., Krivosenko Y.S., Iorsh I.V., Rubo Y., Kavokin A.V., Shelykh I.A. Optically trapped polariton condensates as semiclassical time crystals // Physical Review A - 2019, Vol. 99, No. 5, pp. 033830 [IF: 2.925, SJR: 1.081]
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  30. 16. Senkevich N.Y., Polozkov R.G., Morina S., Cherotchenko E.D., Portnoi M.E., Shelykh I.A. Ab-initio study of electronic properties of a two-dimensional array of carbon nanotubes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2018, Vol. 1092, No. 1, pp. 012120 [SJR: 0.18]
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  31. 15. Iorsh I.V., Poshakinskiy A.V., Poddubny A.N. Waveguide Quantum Optomechanics: Parity-Time Phase Transitions in Ultrastrong Coupling Regime // Physical Review Letters - 2020, Vol. 125, No. 18, pp. 183601 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  32. 14. Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V., Shelykh I.A. Quantum ring with the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in the regime of strong light-matter coupling // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 15, pp. 155434 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  33. 13. Liashenko T.G., Cherotchenko E.D., Pushkarev A.P., Pakstas V., Naujokaitis A., Khubezhov S.A., Polozkov R.G., Agapev K.B., Zakhidov A.A., Shelykh I.A., Makarov S.V. Electronic structure of CsPbBr3-xClx perovskites: synthesis, experimental characterization, and DFT simulations // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics - 2019, Vol. 21, No. 35, pp. 18930-18938 [IF: 4.123, SJR: 0.721]
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  34. 12. Rakhmanova G.R., Iorsh I.V. Broadband enhancement of second-harmonic generation at the domain walls of magnetic topological insulators // Nanophotonics - 2020, Vol. 9, No. 15, pp. 4489–4495 [IF: 4.492, SJR: 1.999]
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  35. 11. Pesquera D., Khestanova E., Ghidini M., Zhang S., Rooney A., Maccherozzi F., Riego P., Farokhipoor S., Kim J., Moya X., Vickers M., Stelmashenko N., Haigh S., Dhesi S., Mathur N. Large magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic oxide heterostructures assembled via epitaxial lift-off // Nature Communications - 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 3190 [IF: 12.124, SJR: 4.887]
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  36. 10. Zezyulin D.A., Konotop V.V. Solitons in a Hamiltonian PT-symmetric coupler // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical - 2018, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 015206 [IF: 1.865, SJR: 0.769]
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  37. 9. Pervishko A.A., Yudin D., Shelykh I.A. Impact of high-frequency pumping on anomalous finite-size effects in three-dimensional topological insulators // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 7, pp. 075420 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  38. 8. Shapochkin P.Y., Lozhkin M.S., Solovev I.A., Lozhkina O.A., Efimov Y.P., Eliseev S.A., Lovcjus V.A., Kozlov G.G., Pervishko A.A., Krizhanovskii D.N., Walker P.M., Shelykh I.A., Skolnick M.S., Kapitonov Y.V. Polarization-resolved strong light-matter coupling in planar GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides // Optics Letters - 2018, Vol. 43, No. 18, pp. 4526-4529 [IF: 3.416, SJR: 1.04]
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  39. 7. Pervishko A.A., Yudin D., Shelykh I.A. Impact of high-frequency pumping on anomalous finite-size effects in three-dimensional topological insulators // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 7, pp. 075420 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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  40. 6. Konotop V., Sanders B., Zezyulin D.A. Spectral singularities of a potential created by two coupled microring resonators // Optics Letters - 2019, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 2024-2027 [IF: 3.416, SJR: 1.04]
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  41. 5. Foster A., Hallett D., Iorsh I.V., Sheldon S.,  Godsland M., Royall B., Clarke E., Shelykh I.A., Fox A., Skolnick M.S., Itskevich I., Wilson L. Tunable Photon Statistics Exploiting the Fano Effect in a Waveguide // Physical Review Letters - 2019, Vol. 122, No. 17, pp. 173603 [IF: 8.462, SJR: 3.04]
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  42. 4. Melchert O., Yulin A.V., Demircan A. Dynamics of localized dissipative structures in a generalized Lugiato–Lefever model with negative quartic group-velocity dispersion // Optics Letters - 2020, Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 2764-2767 [IF: 3.416, SJR: 1.04]
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  43. 3. Kornovan D.F., Petrov M.I., Iorsh I.V. Noninverse dynamics of a quantum emitter coupled to a fully anisotropic environment // Physical Review A - 2019, Vol. 100, No. 3, pp. 033840 [IF: 2.925, SJR: 1.081]
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  44. 2. Zezyulin D.A., Konotop V. Universal form of arrays with spectral singularities // Optics Letters - 2020, Vol. 45, No. 13, pp. 3447-3450 [IF: 3.416, SJR: 1.04]
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  45. 1. Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Kibis O.V., Shelykh I.A. Periodic array of quantum rings strongly coupled to circularly polarized light as a topological insulator // Physical Review B - 2018, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 035416 [IF: 3.836, SJR: 1.345]
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